Tuesday, October 19, 2010

chapter 11

I thought that it was so awesome how douglass escaped it was even better how he got away and intead of hiding he actually does something about slavery  by joining the antislavery group this shows that he really wants to end slavery and thought beyond himself.


  1. Dear Tylerrr (;
    Well im glad that you are happy that he escaped but I think that you could have made you blog a little bit longer(: Im not saying you didn't try but mayve next time put a little more effort into it! (: thats all (; (:
    XOXO hopeee

  2. Sorry but this just shows that you could actully make this a really good reaction writing if you really tried but nice try haha

  3. Excellent job of simply stating the hardships of slavery and what he did about it. It is a good thing that he didn't just live a normal life but instead he stood up and spoke out against slavery.

    Brenna :-)
